Our Process

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Our process

How we work

We believe in efficiency and maximizing our resources to provide the best value to our clients. The primary way we do that is by re-using the same five projects we’ve been developing for the past decade.

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We collaborate closely with our clients to grasp their requirements and objectives, immersing ourselves in their daily operations to comprehend the essence of their business.

Our team conducts thorough research and analysis to understand the company's operations and objectives. We prioritize data security and confidentiality throughout the process.

After completing the full audit, we provide a detailed plan along with a focus on the budget.

Included in this phase

In-depth questions

Feasibility studies

Blood samples

Employee surveys


Forensic audit

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Plan & Strategize

Following the discovery phase, we develop a tailored project plan for each product, outlining key milestones and objectives.

Our dedicated account managers serve as primary points of contact, ensuring seamless communication and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. They work closely with our development team to address client inquiries and provide regular updates on project progress.

Our account managers are trained to respond promptly to client emails, fostering a collaborative environment and addressing any concerns or requests in a timely manner.

Included in this phase

in-depth questions

Feasibility studies

Blood samples

Employee surveys


Forensic audit

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Following the discovery phase, we develop a tailored project plan for each product, outlining key milestones and objectives.

Our dedicated account managers serve as primary points of contact, ensuring seamless communication and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. They work closely with our development team to address client inquiries and provide regular updates on project progress.

Our account managers are trained to respond promptly to client emails, fostering a collaborative environment and addressing any concerns or requests in a timely manner.

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Following the discovery phase, we develop a tailored project plan for each product, outlining key milestones and objectives.

Our dedicated account managers serve as primary points of contact, ensuring seamless communication and transparency throughout the project lifecycle. They work closely with our development team to address client inquiries and provide regular updates on project progress.

Our account managers are trained to respond promptly to client emails, fostering a collaborative environment and addressing any concerns or requests in a timely manner.

Our values

Balancing reliability and innovation

We strive to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, while completely ignoring them and forking that old Rails project we feel comfortable using. We stand by our core values to justify that decision.

Meticulous. The first part of any partnership is getting our designer to put your logo in our template. The second step is getting them to do the colors.

Efficient. We pride ourselves on never missing a deadline which is easy because most of the work was done years ago.

Adaptable. Every business has unique needs and our greatest challenge is shoe-horning those needs into something we already built.

Honesty. We are transparent about all of our processes, banking on the simple fact our clients never actually read anything.

Loyalty. We foster long-term relationships with our clients that go beyond just delivering a product, allowing us to invoice them for decades.

Innovative. The technological landscape is always evolving and so are we. We are constantly on the lookout for new open source projects to clone.